Thursday, August 26, 2004


Living alone has it's advantages but having a room mate opens up a whole new world. I have enjoyed the past few months being alone in my house cause I really didn't have to worry about anyone or anything for that matter. But it also came with some disadvantages as well mainly cause you have no one to share you life with. That can be a very somber feeling knowing that you are all alone and even though I am pretty much a loner anyway that life can be a very lonely existence. And not one that most people can deal with. I am fortunate to be able to do things to occupy my time but still the need for other people in your life to give it companionship is a need that most people don't really understand.

This weekend I am taking in my son to live with me and although I had mixed feelings about it I do see the advantages or being able to spend time with him more often than I have in the past. We share some of the same interest in things well mainly the computer and in this example it is a really funny thing. Cause my son use to love to come over to my house and learn about the computer from me. And I got a kick out of showing him things and now after all these years have passed I find myself as the student and him as the teacher, cause I have gotten myself away from the computer until a few years ago. In which my son was excelling in his learnng of the computer I had become stagnant and getting out of touch. I guess you can say it is like buying a computer today it may be top of the line but by next year it is obsolete.

I know at first this transition of taking him in and living with him may be a little bit difficult at first mainly cause of the unfamiliarity of having him around all the time. This I hope will change and will develop into something more of a friendship between the two of us and maybe in draw us closer together then we are at present time. Well I guess I will soon find out what that is going to be like after this weekend.